g! aww

Display a random cute image

This will display a random cute image from Reddit

  g! gif [search]

GIF Search

Show or search for a random GIF

  g! hug @user

Hug a user 🤗

Hug a user with a random GIF

  g! jam

Jam Cat

Just a cat that jams

  g! kiss @user

Display a kissing GIF ♥

Kiss a user with a random GIF

  g! meme [type] 1; 2; 3?NEW!

Generate a meme!

Over 20+ templates, generate memes directly in Discord!

  g! natureNEW!

Display a random nature image

Display a random image of nature!

  g! rmemeUPDATED

Display a random meme

Displays a random image or video meme

  g! pat @user

Give headpats

Head pat a user

  g! wikihow

Display a random WikiHow image

This will display a random image from a WikiHow article.

  g! wink [@target]

Wink wink

This will display a random winking image

  g! xkcd [id?]

Get an XKCD comic

Display a random or specific XKCD comic.